"Granny" is a popular horror-survival game where your goal is to escape Granny's house alive. Here's a guide on how to play: Objective: The main goal is to unlock all the locks on the front door and escape the house. While you're doing this, Granny will be looking for you and listening for any sound you make. Stealth: Granny has a keen ability to hear almost any noise. You need to be as quiet as possible and quick thinking is your only ally. Collect Items: To escape and beat Granny, you’ll need to collect several items including Cutting Pliers, a Padlock Key (Blue), a Hammer, and Cog Wheel. These items are scattered around the house and will help you disable the alarm and unbolt the door. Running And Hiding: If you're spotted by Granny, you can run and hide. There are several hiding spots throughout the house. Use of Pliers: The Cutting Pliers are used for multiple purposes such as cutting the circuit box in the basement, unlocking one of the locks on the front door, disabling the alarm on the door, and turning off the fan upstairs. Remember, "Granny" requires patience and strategy. Avoid making noise, be observant, and think on your feet!