Fate/Grand Order is a turn-based mobile RPG where players summon heroic spirits (Servants) to battle enemies and progress through a story-rich campaign. Here's how to play: 1. Summoning Servants: You summon Servants (characters from history and mythology) using the in-game summoning system. Summons require Saint Quartz (premium currency) or Summon Tickets. Servants come in different rarities (1-5 stars), with higher rarities being more powerful. 2. Combat System: Battles are turn-based. Each turn, you choose 3 Command Cards from a set of 5, which determine your attacks. Command Cards are categorized into: - Buster: Powerful attacks - Arts: Charges your Noble Phantasm (special ability) - Quick: Builds critical stars for stronger critical hits. Strategically select cards to maximize combos and unleash devastating chain attacks. 3. Noble Phantasm: Each Servant has a unique Noble Phantasm, which is their ultimate move. Charge it by using Arts cards and unleash it to deal massive damage or activate special effects. 4. Team Composition: Form a party of 6 Servants (3 active, 3 backup) with a balanced mix of classes (Saber, Archer, Lancer, etc.) to counter enemy types. Class advantage is crucial in combat. 5. Story and Events: Progress through the main story to save humanity or participate in time-limited events for exclusive rewards and Servants. 6. Upgrade Servants: Use materials to level up and ascend Servants, increasing their stats and unlocking new skills. Mastering card combos, leveling Servants, and optimizing your team will help you succeed in Fate/Grand Order!